Happiness Hints :)

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While reading the book, “How To Be A Happy Muslim, Insha’Allah”, by Sheima Salam Sumer, I came across a lot of ‘Happiness Hints’. These were short advices that claimed to give you a hint to how exactly handle a particular situation if you may come across it.
These Happiness Hints are the main attraction of this book, and they caught my eye in a glimpse. Jotted down in very simple language and related to our day to day chores and issues, these happiness hints I shared with my kids and family alike.

More: Read the Review for How To Be A Happy Muslim, Insha’Allah by Sheima Sumer

Some of my personal favourite hints I am sharing with you here, right from the book, hoping to add more as time goes.

Happiness Hint 1: The blessings of Allah are always greater than our problems!

Happiness Hint 2: Remembering Allah will help you to feel content all the time.

Happiness Hint 3: Take action to improve your condition rather than focusing on who is to blame.

Happiness Hint 4: You will accelerate your journey to being a Happy Muslim by focusing on your personal strengths more than your weaknesses.

Happiness Hint 5: Every night, think of at least 3 things that you are feeling grateful to Allah for. It could be things specific to that day or general things, but it should be GENUINE.

My most favourite one is No. 5, as reflecting upon the entire day’s or week’s activity in the peacefulness of the night, makes you ponder wisely about how Allah has helped you with your endeavors successfully and has provided you with so many many blessings. Your life, your family, kids around you, your health and home, your parents, the sustenance you are provided for and so much more to thank Allah for and to always remain in a state of thankfulness and gratitude to Him!

More : Read my “Happiness Is” blog series here!

Do read this book, Insha’Allah to get more and more happiness hints and reflections by the writer.
And don’t forget to share your personal favourite happiness hint, what makes you achieve inner contentment and satisfaction in life?

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About Random Bytes 108 Articles
A work at home mother, spending her free time on this blog :)


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